splash Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for splash

1 ڇٻڪو، شپڪو، پاڻی ۾ ڪجھه ڪرِڻ سبب پیدا ٿیندڙ آواز:

Tom jumped into the river with a big splash

ٽام زوردار شپڪی سان دریاھه ۾ ٽپو ڍنو۔

2 اھا جاءِ جتی ڪا پٽڙی شیٔ ھاری ھجی:

There were splashes of paint on the floor

فرش تی رنگ جا چٍٽا ھئا۔

ڦڻگون یا ڦینگون اڍائڻ:

1 ٿاڦوڙا ھڻڻ۔ ڪنھن کی لت پت ڪرڻ:

The car splashed us as it drove past

موٽر اسان جی ڀرسان گذری ۽ اسان تی ڦھگون اڍائی وئی۔

2 ٿاڦوڙا ھڻڻ، پاڻیءَ ۾ ھٿ پیر ھڻڻ جنھن سان ڇنڊا اٿندا آھن:

The children were splashing around in the pool

ٻار تلاءٍ ۾ ڇٻ ڇٻ ڪری رھیا ھئا۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




پانڑی ء جو چھنڈو


English definition for splash

1. n. the act of scattering water about haphazardly

2. n. the act of splashing a (liquid) substance on a surface

3. n. a patch of bright color

4. n. the sound like water splashing

5. n. a small quantity of something moist or liquid

6. n. a prominent or sensational but short-lived news event

7. v. mark or overlay with patches of contrasting color or texture; cause to appear splashed or spattered

8. v. dash a liquid upon or against

9. v. cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force

10. v. strike and dash about in a liquid

11. v. soil or stain with a splashed liquid

12. v. walk through mud or mire

13. v. make a splashing sound


Synonyms and Antonyms for splash

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