shelter Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for shelter

1 پناھه ڍیڻ؛

خراب موسم یا خطری کان محفوظ رکڻ:

The trees shelter the house from the wind

وڻ گھر کی ھوا کان محفوظ رکندا آھن۔

2 پناھه وٺڻ:

Let's shelter from the rain under that tree

ھلو ته برسات کان بچڻ لاءِ ھن وڻ ھیٺان پناھه وٺون۔

اَجھو، پناھه گاھه، عارضی رھائش:

1 (.no pl) پناھه، حفاظت، خراب موسم یا خطری کان بچاءٍ:

We took shelter from the rain under a tree

اسان برسات کان ھڪ وڻ ھیٺان پناھه ورتی؛

People ran for shelter when the bombs started to fall

جڍھن بم ڪرڻ شروع ٿیا نه ماڻھو بچاءٍ لاءِ وٺی ڀڳا۔

2 (pl. shelters) خراب موسم ۽ خطری کان پناھه جی جاءِ ڇپر ڇانورو:

(a bus shelter (= for people who are waiting at a bus-stop

بس جی اڍی تی (بس جو انتظار ڪرڻ وارن مسافرن لاءِ) ٺاھیل ڇانورو۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary


پردو / اَڑ / اَڈ


English definition for shelter

1. n. a structure that provides privacy and protection from danger

2. n. protective covering that provides protection from the weather

3. n. temporary housing for homeless or displaced persons

4. n. a way of organizing business to reduce the taxes it must pay on current earnings

5. n. the condition of being protected

6. v. invest (money) so that it is not taxable

7. v. provide shelter for


Synonyms and Antonyms for shelter

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