see Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for see


1 اکین سان سڃڻڻ:

It was so dark that I couldn't see anything

ایتری اوندھه ھئی جو مون کی ڪجھه نظر نه آیو؛

Can you see that plane

ڇا تون اھو ھوائی جھاز ڍسی سگھین ٿو؟

see ۽ look ٻنھی لفظن جی معنٰی ساڳی آھی پر انھن جو استعمال مختلف آھی۔ جڍھن بنا ڪوشش جی رڳو اکین سان ڪا شیٔ ڍسی سڃاڻجی ته لفظ see استعمال ڪبو، مثال:

Suddenly I saw a bird fly past the window

مون اوچتو ھڪ پکیءَ کی دریءَ وٽان اڍرندی ڍٺو۔

پر جڍھن ڪنھن شیٔ کی غور سان ڍسجی ته لفظ look استعمال ٿیندو، مثال:

Look at this picture carefully

ھن تصویر کی غور سان ڍسو؛

Can you see the bird

ڇا تو کی پکی نظر اچی پیو؟

2 ڪنھن وٽ وڃڻ یا ملاقات ڪرڻ:

I'll see you outside the station at ten o'clock

آئون ڍھین وڳی توسان اسٽیشن جی ٻاھران ملندس۔

3 ڪنھن شَیٔ متعلق معلوم ڪرڻ:

Look in the newspaper to see what time the film starts

اخبار ۾ ڍسی معلوم ڪر ته فلم ڪھڙی وقت شروع ٿیندی۔

4 بھتر نمونی پڪ ڪرڻ:

Please see that everybody is here

مھربانی ڪری پَڪَ ڪریو ته ھتی ھر شخص موجود آھی۔

I'll see

سوچی ٻڌائیندس:

Will you lend me the money? 'I'll see

”ڇا تون مون کی ڪجھه ڍوڪڙ قرض ڍیندین؟“ ”سوچی ٻڌائیندس“۔

seeing that , seeing as

ڇوته :

Seeing that you've got nothing to do , you can help me

ڇو ته تون ھن وقت واندو آھین ، ان کری منھنجی مدد کری سگھین ٿو!

see some body off

اسٽیشن یا ایئر پورٽ تی کنھن کی الوداع چوڻ :

see to some body or some thing

ضرورت کم پورو کرڻ

Sit down - I'll see to the dinner

توھان ویھو ، آئون ڊنر جو3 بند بست کریان ٿو ۔

see you , see you later

وری ملندا سین ، خدا حافظ :

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for see

1. n. the seat within a bishop's diocese where his cathedral is located

2. v. perceive (an idea or situation) mentally

3. v. get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally

4. v. make sense of; assign a meaning to

5. v. be careful or certain to do something; make certain of something

6. v. deem to be

7. v. deliberate or decide

8. v. find out, learn, or determine with certainty, usually by making an inquiry or other effort

9. v. match or meet

10. v. receive as a specified guest

11. v. imagine; conceive of; see in one's mind

12. v. come together

13. v. accompany or escort

14. v. go or live through

15. v. perceive or be contemporaneous with

16. v. perceive by sight or have the power to perceive by sight

17. v. see and understand, have a good eye

18. v. observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect

19. v. see or watch

20. v. observe as if with an eye

21. v. date regularly; have a steady relationship with

22. v. go to see for professional or business reasons

23. v. go to see for a social visit

24. v. visit a place, as for entertainment

25. v. take charge of or deal with


Synonyms and Antonyms for see

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