reward Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for reward

انعام ڍیڻ:

Jason's parents bought him a bike to reward him for passing his exam

جئسن جی والدین کیس امتحان ۾ پاس ٿیڻ تی انعام طور موٽرسائیڪل وٺی ڍنی۔

انعام، ڦل، صلو؛

ڪنھن ڪم جی مڃتا یا ٿورن طور ڍنل رقم یا سوکڙی:

She offering a 50 pound to anyone who finds her dog

ھوءَ اٍن ماڻھو کی پنجاھه پائونڊ انعام آڇی رھی آھی جیڪو سندس ڪتو ڳولی لھندو۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




ثواب / جزا / اجر






English definition for reward

1. n. an act performed to strengthen approved behavior

2. n. benefit resulting from some event or action

3. n. the offer of money for helping to find a criminal or for returning lost property

4. n. a recompense for worthy acts or retribution for wrongdoing

5. n. payment made in return for a service rendered

6. v. strengthen and support with rewards

7. v. act or give recompense in recognition of someone's behavior or actions

8. v. bestow honor or rewards upon


Synonyms and Antonyms for reward

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