real Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for real

حقیقت ۾، اصلی:

1 اصلی، سچو جیڪو واقعی وجود رکی:

The film is about something that happened in real life

فلم اصل زندگی ۾ ٿیندڙ واقعن تی ٻڌل آھی۔

2 اصلی:

The name he gave to the police wasn't his real name

ھن پولیس کی جیڪو نالو ٻڌایو سو سندس اصلی نالو نه ھو۔

3 خالص؛

جیڪو نقلی نه ھجی:

This ring is real gold

ھیءَ مٍنڊی اصل سون جی آھی۔

4 وڍو، مڪمل:

I've got a real problem

منھنجو ھڪ وڍو مسئلو آھی۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for real

1. a. having substance or capable of being treated as fact; not imaginary

2. a. being or occurring in fact or actuality; having verified existence; not illusory

3. a. no less than what is stated; worthy of the name

4. a. being value measured in terms of purchasing power

5. n. an old small silver Spanish coin

6. n. any rational or irrational number

7. r. used as intensifiers; real' is sometimes used informally for really'; rattling' is informal

8. s. capable of being treated as fact

9. s. coinciding with reality

10. s. not to be taken lightly

11. s. (of property) fixed or immovable

12. s. being or reflecting the essential or genuine character of something


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