range Urdu Meaning

Range - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Range (حد - had), Total 7 meanings for Range , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Range , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

صف بہ صف کھڑا ہونا

saf beh saf khara hona

قطار باندھنا

qitaar bandhna

صف بندی کرنا

saf bandi karna










English definition for range

1. n. a place for shooting (firing or driving) projectiles of various kinds

2. n. a kitchen appliance used for cooking food

3. n. an area in which something acts or operates or has power or control:

4. n. the limit of capability

5. n. a variety of different things or activities

6. n. the limits within which something can be effective

7. n. a large tract of grassy open land on which livestock can graze

8. n. a series of hills or mountains

9. n. the limits of the values a function can take

10. v. assign a rank or rating to

11. v. let eat

12. v. lay out orderly or logically in a line or as if in a line

13. v. feed as in a meadow or pasture

14. v. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment

15. v. range or extend over; occupy a certain area

16. v. change or be different within limits

17. v. have a range; be capable of projecting over a certain distance, as of a gun

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