plague Punjabi Meaning

Punjabi Dictionary

Punjabi Meaning for plague

n. taun di bamari. F; manno. F;

to, v. t. satauna ; sir kha jana ; taklif deni ; see trouble.

Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary

English to Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary




English definition for plague

1. n. an annoyance

2. n. any large scale calamity (especially when thought to be sent by God)

3. n. a swarm of insects that attack plants

4. n. any epidemic disease with a high death rate

5. n. a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal

6. v. annoy continually or chronically

7. v. cause to suffer a blight

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