original Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for original

اصلی تصویر ، پینٽنگ :

This is a copy of the painting - the original is in the national gllery

ھی اصلی پینٽنگ جو نقل آھی ، آصلی تصویر نیشنل گیلری ۾ آھی ۔

1 اصلی ، سڀ کان پھرین :

I have the car now, buyt my sister was the original owner

ھیَ کا رھاڻی مون وت آھی پر ان جی پھرین مالکیاڻی منھنجی ڀیڻ ھئی ۔

2 نئون ۽ مختلف :

His poems are very original

ھن جا نظم نوان نکور ۽ نختلف اھن ۔

3 اصلی ، نقلی نه :

original paintings

اصلی تصویر ون یا پینٽنگز۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary


حقیقی / خالص


English definition for original

1. a. being or productive of something fresh and unusual; or being as first made or thought of

2. n. an original creation (i.e., an audio recording) from which copies can be made

3. n. an original model on which something is patterned

4. s. not derived or copied or translated from something else

5. s. preceding all others in time or being as first made or performed

6. s. (of e.g. information) not secondhand or by way of something intermediary


Synonyms and Antonyms for original

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