need Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for need

گھرج، گتی، لوڙھه، ڪاڻ؛

اھڙی شَیٔ جی خواھش جیڪا اھم ھجی پر موجوده نه ھجی:

She's in need of a rest

ھن کی آرام جی ضرورت آھی۔

ضرورت ھئڻ:

1 ڪنھن کی ڍاڍو چاھڻ، ڪنھن اھم ۽ ضروری شَیٔ جی خواھش:

All plants and animals need water

سمورن ٻوٽن ۽ جانورن کی پاڻیءَ جی گھرج ھوندی آھی۔

2 لازمی ھئڻ، اڻٽڙ ھئڻ، ضروری ھئڻ:

James is very ill. He needs to go to hospital

جیمز ڍاڍو بیمار آھی؛ ھن کی اسپتال وڃڻ جی ضرورت آھی۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




حاجت / گھرج / کھپ


English definition for need

1. n. the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior

2. n. anything that is necessary but lacking

3. n. a condition requiring relief

4. n. a state of extreme poverty or destitution

5. v. have need of

6. v. have or feel a need for

7. v. require as useful, just, or proper

All in One

A need is something that is necessary for an organism to live a healthy life. Needs are distinguished from wants in that, in the case of a need, a deficiency causes a clear adverse outcome: a dysfunction or death.
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