more Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for more

1 much ۽ many جی تفضیلی شڪل؛

ڪنھن صفت ۽ ظرف کی زوردار بنائیندڙ لفظ:

You book was more expensive than mine

تنھنجو ڪتاب منھنجی ڪتاب کان وڌیڪ مھانگو ھو۔

2 گھڻو وڍو مقدار یا عدد:

I like Anna more than her brother

مان انا کی سندس ڀاءٍ کان وڌیڪ پسند ڪیان ٿو۔

more or less

ٿورو گھڻو، گھٽ وڌ، اٽڪل، ٺیڪ پر ھڪ جھڙو یا جیترو نه:

We are more or less the same age

اسان لڳ ڀڳ ھم عمر آھیون۔

not any more

اڳ وانگر نه، ھاڻی نه:

They don't live here any more

ھاڻی ھو ھتی نٿا رھن

once more

ٻیھر، ھڪ ڀیرو وڌیڪ:

Spring will soon be here once more

بھار ھتی سٍتت ھڪ ڀیرو ٻیھر ایندو۔

وڌیڪ، واڌو، گھڻو، سَرس، اڃابه، ڪنھن شَیٔ جو وڌیڪ مقدار یا تعداد:

You've got more money than I have

تو وٽ مون کان وڌیڪ پئسا آھن۔

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




پوءِ / پنڑ


English definition for more

1. a. (comparative of much' used with mass nouns) a quantifier meaning greater in size or amount or extent or degree

2. a. (comparative of many' used with count nouns) quantifier meaning greater in number

3. n. English statesman who opposed Henry VIII's divorce from Catherine of Aragon and was imprisoned and beheaded; recalled for his concept of Utopia, the ideal state

4. r. used to form the comparative of some adjectives and adverbs

5. r. comparative of much; to a greater degree or extent

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