mention Sindhi Meaning

Sindhi Dictionary

Sindhi Meaning for mention

ذڪر، حوالو، اشارو:

There was no mention of the accident in the newspaper

اخبار ۾ ان حادثی جو ڪوبه ذڪر نه ھو۔

مختصر ذڪر ڪرڻ، سرسری ڳالھه ڪرڻ؛

ڪنھن ڳالھه جی باری ۾ ٿورو لکڻ یا ڳالھائڻ:

When Liz telephoned, she mentioned that she was going to buy a new car

جڍھن لز ٽیلیفون ڪئی ته ھن ٻڌایو ته ھوءَ نئین ڪار وٺڻ واری آھی۔

don't mention it

خبر آھی، ڪا ڳالھه ڪانھی، ھیءَ ڳالھه شائسته ڳالھه ٻولھه ۾ ان مھل چئبی آھی جڍھن ڪو ٿورا مڃی:

'Thanks very much.' 'Don't mention it'

”توھان جی تمام گھڻی مھربانی،“ ”ڪا ڳالھه ناھی۔“

Sindhi Dictionary

English to Sindhi Dictionary




English definition for mention

1. n. an official recognition of merit

2. n. a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

3. n. a remark that calls attention to something or someone

4. v. make mention of

5. v. commend

6. v. make reference to


Synonyms and Antonyms for mention

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