kalinite Urdu Meaning

Kalinite - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Kalinite (کچدھات پوٹاشیم - ), Total 1 meaning for Kalinite , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Kalinite and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

کچدھات پوٹاشیم


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Kalinite is a mineral composed of hydrated potassium aluminium sulfate (a type of alum). It is a fibrous monoclinic alum, distinct from isometric potassium alum, named in 1868. Its name comes from kalium (derived from Arabic: القَلْیَه al-qalyah “plant ashes”) which is the Latin name for potassium, hence its chemical symbol, "K".
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