immaterial Urdu Meaning

Immaterial - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Immaterial (غیر مادی - ghair maadi), Total 3 meanings for Immaterial , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Immaterial , Synonyms, Antonyms, English Definition and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

غیر مادی

ghair maadi

غیر مجسمی

ghair mujasmi

ناقابل لحاظ

na-qabil lehaaz

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English definition for immaterial

1. a. not consisting of matter

2. a. without material form or substance

3. a. of no importance or relevance especially to a law case

4. s. not pertinent to the matter under consideration

5. s. (often followed by to') lacking importance; not mattering one way or the other

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