grain Punjabi Meaning

Punjabi Dictionary

Punjabi Meaning for grain

n. dana . M; anaj. M; dana dunka. M; ann. M; dana phakka. M; 1. Grain coarsely ground. Dalya. M; 2. Prached barley grain. Dhahn. M; 3. Grain measure. Toppa. M;

Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary

English to Punjabi Shahmukhi Dictionary








English definition for grain

1. n. the direction or texture of fibers found in wood or leather or stone or in a woven fabric

2. n. foodstuff prepared from the starchy grains of cereal grasses

3. n. a small hard particle

4. n. dry seedlike fruit produced by the cereal grasses: e.g. wheat, barley, Indian corn

5. n. 1/7000 pound; equals a troy grain or 64.799 milligrams

6. n. 1/60 dram; equals an avoirdupois grain or 64.799 milligrams

7. n. a weight unit used for pearls or diamonds: 50 mg or 1/4 carat

8. v. become granular

9. v. form into grains

10. v. paint (a surface) to make it look like stone or wood

11. v. thoroughly work in

All in One

Grains are small, hard, dry seeds, with or without attached hulls or fruit layers, harvested for human or animal consumption.
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