autoplasty Urdu Meaning

Autoplasty - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Autoplasty (خُود پیوَندی - ), Total 2 meanings for Autoplasty , Roman Urdu Meaning for word Autoplasty , English Definition and more.

Urdu Meanings

iJunoon official Urdu Dictionary

خُود پیوَندی

khud pewandi

اسی جسم سے بافت کے پیوند کے ذریعہ بافت کا دوبارہ لگانا

issi jisam say baaft kay pewand kay zareya baaft ka dobarah lagana


English definition for autoplasty

1. n. surgical repair by using tissue from another part of the patient's own body

2. n. tissue that is taken from one site and grafted to another site on the same person

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