ettehadiya case Urdu Meaning

Ettehadiya Case - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Ettehadiya Case , Translation, Multiple word search (Seperate words with space), English to Urdu Machine Translation of ettehadiya case and more.

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ettehadiya case

ettehadiya معاملہ

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ُEttehadiya case is a controversial legal case in Egypt where thousands of protesters went down to the Ittihadiya Palace, the Presidential offices in Cairo, asking for the repeal of the newly issued protest law as part of the international day for the solidarity with the Egyptian detainees on 21 June 2014. The march headed for the Heliopolis presidential Palace was demanding the repeal of the protest law and the release of prisoners of conscience - including the prominent human rights Activists Alaa Abd El-Fattah - was attacked by security forces using teargas and at least 30 activities were arrested among them awarded Human Rights defender Yara Sallam, young activist and filmmaker Sanaa Seif and contemporary art dancer Mohamed Anwar Masoud Moftah (known as Anno).
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