list of roller coaster rankings Urdu Meaning

List Of Roller Coaster Rankings - Urdu Meaning and Translation of List Of Roller Coaster Rankings , Translation, Multiple word search (Seperate words with space), English to Urdu Machine Translation of list of roller coaster rankings and more.

Urdu Translation

English Translation for list of roller coaster rankings

list of roller coaster rankings

فہرست کا رولنے والا بغیر پیر چلائے بائسیکل نیچے کی طرف لانے والا اعلی درجے کا

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رولنے والا

بغیر پیر چلائے بائسیکل نیچے کی طرف لانے والا

درجہ بندی

All in One


Roller coasters are amusement rides developed for amusement parks and modern theme parks. During the 16th and 17th centuries, rides consisting of wooden sleds that took riders down large slides made from ice were popular in Russia.
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