awash river Urdu Meaning

Awash River - Urdu Meaning and Translation of Awash River , Translation, Multiple word search (Seperate words with space), English to Urdu Machine Translation of awash river and more.

Urdu Translation

English Translation for awash river

awash river

آب بُرد دریا

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Search Result for awash river

آب بُرد


All in One

The Awash (sometimes spelled Hawash; Afar We'ayot) is a major river of Ethiopia. Its course is entirely contained within the boundaries of Ethiopia, and empties into a chain of interconnected lakes that begin with Lake Gargori and end with Lake Abbe (or Abhe Bad) on the border with Djibouti, some 100 kilometers (60 or 70 miles) from the head of the Gulf of Tadjoura.
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